Sunday, March 2, 2014

MS Surface Pro 2: Preliminary thoughts, concerns

So, after much contemplation, I decided to get a surface pro 2, for a number of reasons; one of the top three reasons was this class. Being "grounded" to a desktop rig is becoming more and more inconvenient as my school career progresses in general, but having to do a "large scale" software project with a team really demands some kind of portable computer. The other two top reasons are general convenience and general school.


  1. I can't comment as to developing Java or C++ on it, but so far, C# and Javascript have been a breeze.
  2. Wifi adapter is very well-made. Other mobile devices and laptops I've used get far weaker signals than this thing does.
  3. The tiny keyboard is surprisingly easy to use. I keep hitting " ` " instead of " esc ", though.
  4. The touchscreen is also surprisingly intuitive. I find myself using it all the time to select text and scroll through doc pages instead of using my wireless mouse.
  5. Not needing a wireless mouse is nice; I loathe trackpads.
  6. The battery life is good; not amazing, but then this is a quad core computer.
  7. This gives me a convenient platform to test our game for touchscreen devices; since our game is so similar to SpaceChem, and since SpaceChem is easy to use with a touchscreen, it seems natural we'd want support too.
  8. Works well for drawing things; UML and Google vector graphics, as well as drawing applications.
  1. Annoying trackpad.
  2. Potential stability issues on the battery saving mode; I think what happens is the hard drive stops getting enough power to operate stably, or it cuts the RAM it can use and is constantly reading/writing to virtual memory; either way, the result is insane thrashing, resulting in a basically unusable computer. Switching off of battery saving mode fixes instantly.
  3. Windows 8

So far, the pros vastly outweigh the cons; though I will concede the cons are fairly significant. It's looking to be a nifty little mobile software development platform.

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